[VBbuilders] Google Voice discovered allowing pure VoIP calls???

Robert Steele robert.david.steele.vivas at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 12:44:05 CET 2011

Google is predatory, plain and simple.  Eric Schmidt left in place a winner
take all model that does probes, and then wipes out opponents.  It is not
scalable to global, and I believe he left because Google stock should be
about ready to crash in a year or two when the fantasy falls apart.

The Google Trilogy<http://www.infonortics.com/publications/google/google-trilogy.html>(latest
is Google:
The Digital Gutenberg<http://www.phibetaiota.net/2009/08/2009-arnold-google-the-digital-gutenberg/>)
by Steve Arnold is a truly illuminating review of patents, precedents, and
predatory tendencia of Google.  Like the US Government, Google is full of
good people trapped in a bad system.

What's important here is that we now are focused on the art of the
possible.  See also what the Dutch have
making multi-layer transport a reality, and making the biggest layers public
highways, what Roger Karraker called "highways of the
decades ago.

Crowd-sourcing has come of age, I think, with its $60K in six days for
Freedom Box.  Now what is missing is a coherent road map such as I tried to
structure (table of contents only), that needs lots of inputs and lots of
editing to get to where it can add confidence to crowd-sourcing of the
missing pieces and enhancements of the existing pieces.

In passing, have noticed with great surprise (to me) that Wolfram Alpha is
heavily into light speed calculations and serving as some kind of real time
router, mentioned in the Dutch publication below.  I do not understand the
details, but find the connection fascinating.


Above links:

2009 Arnold Google: The Digital

Stephen E. Arnold The Google

Reference: Building National Knowledge Infrastructure–How Dutch Pragmatism
Nurtures a 21st Century Economy (The Cook Report on Internet

1993 Karraker (US) Highways of the
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