[VBbuilders] Communication

Thompson, Steve S.D.Thompson at tees.ac.uk
Mon Oct 25 12:37:08 CEST 2010

>>I agree. I am also mindful of info overload for people that do not speak English as a native speaker (it takes them much longer and they miss many nuances).

Mark et ALL,

Well, since we are communicating between different people and languages let us go back to writing letters. No, not literally, but perhaps such emails might be more carefully written to be more globally understood. We might zap off (English for rapid message) something to a work colleague but global messages need to be carefully worded.

>>Those that are new to fast ways of communicating often seem to ignore stuff as it is in an unfamiliar format. (I am sure we could both write endlessly about this). SO that is why I ask in case there can be any feedback or improvements to make an info strategy better.

I agree whole heartedly

>>Just how does the videobridge mailing list, old NING space, new social network and Facebook page FIT together with the Global Villages wiki stuff?

Well Ning has gone but I'm a member one or two Nings that still live on as their owners have paid the premium. Actually I don't think Ning is a good communication medium at all as you have to be IN the network to keep up to date. If you do not visit regularly you lose touch. We are all probably members of too many networks to keep up to date.

Perhaps networks should make tough decisions: what is the best platform for communication and networking? Maybe a choice has to be made for only ONE vehicle rather than a lot.

>>AND how does this at the metalevel - fit with other movements going on such as in Tamera, Findhorn or community informatics?

What is Tamera and Findhorn. I think I'm aware of the Community Informatics stuff. I'm currently at the Community Informatics Research Network Conf (CIRN) which starts Wednesday.

Steve T
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