[VBbuilders] Google Voice discovered allowing pure VoIP calls???

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 13:57:06 CET 2011

hi robert,

google regulates access to its digitized collection, but the book remain in
the public domain, and can be digitized by others; i'm not saying the google
settlement is a good one, but I don't see it diminishing the public domain

I also have seen no evidence, beside the issue of prioritizing their own
links, that the search engine favours paid results, though of course, they
have all kinds of engineers tweaking their results; but losing the integrity
of search would destroy the confidence of the users, and hence their
advertising revenue, which is not in their interests; I have yet to see a
single proof of this, even though hundreds of people are intensely watching
for this to occur

in general, as every company, google tries to balance open and closed
elements in its own interests, and we have to be weary and cautious about
that; however in terms of enemies of open infrastructures, I think a lot of
companies are much worse than Google, think about MS, Apple ..

private companies never give anything for free, unless they have a material
interest somewhere along the line, so the right question is always, what is
this 'free' costing us ..


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Robert Steele <
robert.david.steele.vivas at gmail.com> wrote:

> There is profit (and I confess to being impressed by your balanced comment)
> and there is deception.  Google claims that it owns all "dead souls" books
> that it has digitized and for which there is no claimant...that normally
> goes into public domain.  google was kicked out of Boston by the libraries
> when it tried to assert a claim to ownership of anything it digitized.
> bottom line is that the google mind-set and culture are not favorable to the
> public interest, in my estimation.  they have programmable search engines
> that go beyond advertising to now manipulate search results so you only see
> what someone has paid for you to see.  I know you have The Google Trilogy
> mentioned on P2P, I received courtesy copies since Steve Arnold the author
> has been my virtual CTO for over a decade, Google is the opposite of the
> autonomous internet.
> As for scalability, energy and third party are the blockages.  The data
> centers are --  I speculate not being a technical person, based on bits here
> and there -- coming to an end in terms of energy affordability.  This is why
> I am so interested in Chile as a possible first country to actually offer up
> free unlimited energy as a regional and cloud jump starter.
> Google only makes one dollar for every x millions in shareholder fantasy
> cash they spend--I forget the exact amount, but Google has benefitted
> enormously from the enthusiasm of the public for its message, no one seems
> to be troubled as I am that after all these years Google is still not
> connecting dot to dots, dots to people, and people to people--it is a dumb
> service, not a smart sense-making environment.
> With warm regards,
> Robert
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:32 AM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi Robert, I understand the 'predatory' charge, since Google is a profit
>> maximising company legally obliged to favour its shareholders,
>> but in what is a global company not scalable to global?? there is hardly
>> any company I know of that is more global than Google?
>> Google is very present in Asia as well, including physically, through
>> hackaton's etc ..
>> Michel
>> On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Robert Steele <
>> robert.david.steele.vivas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Google is predatory, plain and simple.  Eric Schmidt left in place a
>>> winner take all model that does probes, and then wipes out opponents.  It is
>>> not scalable to global, and I believe he left because Google stock should be
>>> about ready to crash in a year or two when the fantasy falls apart.
>>> The Google Trilogy<http://www.infonortics.com/publications/google/google-trilogy.html>(latest is Google:
>>> The Digital Gutenberg<http://www.phibetaiota.net/2009/08/2009-arnold-google-the-digital-gutenberg/>)
>>> by Steve Arnold is a truly illuminating review of patents, precedents, and
>>> predatory tendencia of Google.  Like the US Government, Google is full of
>>> good people trapped in a bad system.
>>> What's important here is that we now are focused on the art of the
>>> possible.  See also what the Dutch have done<http://www.phibetaiota.net/2011/03/reference-building-national-knowledge-infrastructure-how-dutch-pragmatism-nurtures-a-21st-century-economy-the-cook-report-on-internet-protocol/>,
>>> making multi-layer transport a reality, and making the biggest layers public
>>> highways, what Roger Karraker called "highways of the mind<http://www.phibetaiota.net/1993/12/1993-karraker-highways-of-the-mind/>"
>>> decades ago.
>>> Crowd-sourcing has come of age, I think, with its $60K in six days for
>>> Freedom Box.  Now what is missing is a coherent road map such as I tried to
>>> structure (table of contents only), that needs lots of inputs and lots of
>>> editing to get to where it can add confidence to crowd-sourcing of the
>>> missing pieces and enhancements of the existing pieces.
>>> In passing, have noticed with great surprise (to me) that Wolfram Alpha
>>> is heavily into light speed calculations and serving as some kind of real
>>> time router, mentioned in the Dutch publication below.  I do not understand
>>> the details, but find the connection fascinating.
>>> IMHO.....
>>> Above links:
>>> 2009 Arnold Google: The Digital Gutenberg<http://www.phibetaiota.net/2009/08/2009-arnold-google-the-digital-gutenberg/>
>>> Stephen E. Arnold The Google Trilogy<http://www.infonortics.com/publications/google/google-trilogy.html>
>>> Reference: Building National Knowledge Infrastructure–How Dutch
>>> Pragmatism Nurtures a 21st Century Economy (The Cook Report on Internet
>>> Protocol<http://www.phibetaiota.net/2011/03/reference-building-national-knowledge-infrastructure-how-dutch-pragmatism-nurtures-a-21st-century-economy-the-cook-report-on-internet-protocol/>
>>> 1993 Karraker (US) Highways of the Mind<http://www.phibetaiota.net/1993/12/1993-karraker-highways-of-the-mind/>
>> --
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>> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
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>> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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