[VBbuilders] Occupy Stanhope

Thompson, Steve S.D.Thompson at tees.ac.uk
Sun Dec 4 10:07:48 CET 2011

Hi Franz,

The story from 1818 is here http://bit.ly/v9dksL – this is a transcription from an old document. There are some other documents from the time here: http://bit.ly/uAXSbO

We only recently discovered that the Battle took place on December 7th after a visit to the County Record Office. So the re-enactment is an add on to the project which will culminate in a community play in March 2012. I'll try to stream this but it is in a Barn so we shall see. Another additional feature I have been working on is a soap opera about lead mining with seven Primary schools. This will go live in Jan 2012.

The connection we have found between these two communities is fascinating and one I would like to explore since the project is about Family learning and to add a global understanding to the story. The making of the bullets  AND the firing of them and the harm caused at both ends of the equation. I looked at that article on DorfWiki and Google translated it – would you mind my reconstituting the content on the Drama Dale website with credit to the original.

To make sense of this exchange for others here are some of the comments from the Ning that sparked our conversation where Franz told me of "Battle of Schwarzlackenau"

===== PASTE====

How interesting Franz. The scene we were re-enacting on Friday http://bit.ly/tgUD7G featured 10 year olds doing what 10 year olds did in the 1800's which was to mine lead in order to make bullets for the Napoleonic wars. I visited a mine on Friday also (see http://bit.ly/rZ408J ). 10 year olds would wash and crush lead ore in that area on the "washing floor". The conditions there would be bitter and that upright board you see was their only shelter from the wind. How odd to think that lead mined in one of our communities may have made bullets fired in one of yours.

It takes the electronic media to discover this. A warm thought to Marshall McLuhan up in the Skies, especially for the amazing things he wrote about the extension of our nervous system  in "war and peace in the global village".


From: Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at<mailto:f.nahrada at reflex.at>>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2011 08:29:52 +0000
To: Steve Thompson <s.d.thompson at tees.ac.uk<mailto:s.d.thompson at tees.ac.uk>>
Cc: "videobridgebuilders at globalvillages.org<mailto:videobridgebuilders at globalvillages.org>" <videobridgebuilders at globalvillages.org<mailto:videobridgebuilders at globalvillages.org>>
Subject: Re: [VBbuilders] Occupy Stanhope

Hi Steve,

still a bit confusing, because the site does not tell about the 7th of december, but interesting.

One day there might be videobridgeable history exchange...

as I wrote here (http://globalvillages.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2029071%3ABlogPost%3A12903&commentId=2029071%3AComment%3A12704&xg_source=activity)

the story sounds familiar to me. We had a similar case as, for the revitalisation of our village spirit, we re-enacted in 2009 the "Battle of Schwarzlackenau", the first battle (or rather skirmish) where Napoleons troups were defeated here in Jedlesee 1809 .

We made the story more realistic to show how "little people" were crashed in the feudz of the mighty, sought their own way of escaping and paid a high price.

The play was written by Karl Danninger of "Schnittpunkt Jedlesee", the local cultural association I had founded here....

see our village diary http://www.dorfwiki.org/wiki.cgi?Jedlesee/JedleseerDorfTratsch

go to entry of 8.5.2009 !!

Wow we could do a lot that makes sense, rediscovering European history from a village perspective is a powerful one.

I found a nice quotation by Norbert Rost, maybe Markus could translate it to English:

"Wenn Europa weiter gedeihen soll, braucht es einen neuen Weg, auf dem es sich entwickeln kann. Ein solcher Weg wäre, Europa als einen Kontinent der Städte und Gemeinden weiterzuentwickeln, statt als Kontinent der Nationen. Es sozusagen „von unten“ neu zu begründen. Wir alle leben in Städten und Dörfern, sie sind unsere Nester, in denen wir unsere sozialen Netze knüpfen. Das Leben von uns Europäern findet nicht in Nationen statt, es findet in unseren Häusern statt, in unseren Straßen, unseren Kommunen. Das nahe-liegende berührt uns tagtäglich mehr, als es die Entscheidungen weit entfernter Regierungen tun."
one should add: and if it touches us, then it inflicts pain!

here is the full article where the paragraph is taken from:


Franz Nahrada
Hotel Karolinenhof  & GIVE
Jedleseer Strasse 75
1210 Wien

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