[VBbuilders] Occupy Stanhope

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Sun Dec 4 09:29:52 CET 2011

Hi Steve,

still a bit confusing, because the site does not tell about the 7th of
december, but interesting. 

One day there might be videobridgeable history exchange...

as I wrote here

the story sounds familiar to me. We had a similar case as, for the
revitalisation of our village spirit, we re-enacted in 2009 the "Battle of
Schwarzlackenau", the first battle (or rather skirmish) where Napoleons
troups were defeated here in Jedlesee 1809 . 

We made the story more realistic to show how "little people" were crashed
in the feudz of the mighty, sought their own way of escaping and paid a
high price.

The play was written by Karl Danninger of "Schnittpunkt Jedlesee", the
local cultural association I had founded here....

see our village diary

go to entry of 8.5.2009 !!

Wow we could do a lot that makes sense, rediscovering European history
from a village perspective is a powerful one.

I found a nice quotation by Norbert Rost, maybe Markus could translate it
to English:

"Wenn Europa weiter gedeihen soll, braucht es einen neuen Weg, auf dem es
sich entwickeln kann. Ein solcher Weg wäre, Europa als einen Kontinent
der Städte und Gemeinden weiterzuentwickeln, statt als Kontinent der
Nationen. Es sozusagen „von unten“ neu zu begründen. Wir alle leben
in Städten und Dörfern, sie sind unsere Nester, in denen wir unsere
sozialen Netze knüpfen. Das Leben von uns Europäern findet nicht in
Nationen statt, es findet in unseren Häusern statt, in unseren Straßen,
unseren Kommunen. Das nahe-liegende berührt uns tagtäglich mehr, als es
die Entscheidungen weit entfernter Regierungen tun."
one should add: and if it touches us, then it inflicts pain!

here is the full article where the paragraph is taken from:


Franz Nahrada
Hotel Karolinenhof  & GIVE
Jedleseer Strasse 75
1210 Wien

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