<a href="http://www.channel4.com/news/turner-prize-10-the-otolith-group">http://www.channel4.com/news/turner-prize-10-the-otolith-group</a><br><br>hope you are all doing well (be good to hear your news) and I send this above FYI. Right now several of us here in Hirvitalo are working on making a film. It is called Blueberry Blues and we hope to show it in the UK next year. It is part of the Second Forest Project that we are linking in with the UN Year of the Forest - next year:<br>
<br><a href="http://hirvikatu10.net/forest2point0/">http://hirvikatu10.net/forest2point0/</a><br><br><br>for more on the project.<br><br>Anyway have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year <br><br>Markus Petz<br>