[VBbuilders] [globalvillages] I like Zenonas Anusauskas's way

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Mon Jan 24 07:51:47 CET 2011

Lawrence Kincheloe wrote in the Globalvillages mailing list:

>Something I just thought of while writing this and would like to try is
>to setup a room with a 24 hour live webcam that you can go into which has
>projectors on each of the walls. Each wall represents another room and
>another space similar to the one you presently reside. The benefit is
>that you physically enter into the space to socialize with potentially
>random people, who all choose to be there for a specific purpose. Kind of
>like a live message board, but with an intimate aspect. 
>The reason I think this might work is because of chat-roulette. It was a
>big internet fad for a few months, but the novel thing about it was the
>chance to socialize with strangers in a safe and semi-anonymous
>environment. All that is needed is to put that same chance to socialize
>with strangers in a framework that is conducive to real discussion. 

I share this with the videobridgebuilders and of course with Inga and Ralf.

Hello Lawrence,

thanks for showing up in such a constructive way.  I still admire the
Torch Table Project you created at Factor E Farm and think its an
outstanding example of working alongside the potential and ambition of
Marcin. The debate about FeF is not over and it will hopefully help us to
at least become aware of the different value-systems colliding here, but
you rightfully point beyond the debate towards returning to our social

What you bring up is at the core of why I kept insisting for so many years
on the term Global Villages. We need local communities, local living
circumstances at the focus of our attention - yet they draw their power to
a large extent from mixing the local circumstance with a productive,
positive and helpful "grassroots globalisation" which mostly, but not
entirely, consists out of virtual connections to the peers elsewhere, the
mothercities and their support economy, plus the people that bring us
excitement and inspiration.

And yes, we have not really very much design for Global Villages yet. But
what you stress, a "Global Room", totally resonates with what we came up
with as videobridges.  Such a Global Room is a core component of a Global
Village circumstance, and videobridging builds on four special assumptions.

* Not only people are important, space is also important - we need to
intuitively understand others local circumstance
* we promote the spirit of synchronous telecoopperation - bring people
together that work and learn in parallel, not only talk
* Audiovisuals give us a great experience that is not matched by text or
symbolic representation 
* High-end audiovisuals allow us to get a sense of presence and creative

I like to call your proposal a "pattern", and we just have started to
collect possible patterns. Of course, a pattern in the exact sense
Christopher Alexander introduced needs to have an experience component,
which means that we have to implememnt and experiment with these ideas to
see if they are valid.

Hoping to have you on the boat as one of the experimentators


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