[VBbuilders] Tools and Techniques (Mark)

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Tue Oct 5 13:22:59 CEST 2010

Mark Petz <ravenwyn at gmail.com> writes:
>I am glad some evaluation is being done. Although at the moment I feel
>that there are so many aspects its confusing for people - especially if
>they want free software. I note that most people seem to just drift to
>Google Docs (NB Google Wave) and Skype and if the features are not there
>then they just say oh well let's wait for them, (much in the way that
>people used to say if it was not available for Windows they wouldn't use
>it - and then when it's available they say how wonderful it is this new
>piece of Microsoft software!) So they are not videobridging capable.

I think we simply need to take a closer look at alternatives, and here is
now a place to report on them.
>For me I want to see 2 locations successfully using VideoBridging and
>then they can be providers as a pattern language for the others to copy.

I am waiting for this for a long time. Kirchbach is now still in economic
turmoil, and still there is no match.

We have 8 locations here in Austria who have formulated their intent. Keep
your fingers crossed
>TO my mind these can be Tamera (in Portugal - a research ecovillage) and
>(p2p Foundation (in Thailand) as they seem to have the necessary
>connections to reach the idea wider and are supportive of the village and
>community elements we want. They also crucially have meaningful content
>and the media skills to share it.

I talked about this with Bori Kovats in Tamera, and with Peter Koll. It
seems the issue is still Internet speed. 

They do not really have very much to talk to each other.

But I would appreciate a "dayly Michel" (p2p) from Chaing Mai, like the
blog. Maybe a video version of the blog.
>Other locations are also good but these 2 places have the idea of sharing
>built into them and are not overly dependent on just one person with a
>money making remit (so they are good potentials for strong centres).
>Other places have been good it's true - but they don't share so widely. 

Its of course difficult to tell sharing from propaganda (ahem!)


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